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Wi - Fi
A. Campus & Office WI-FI Solutions
B. WI-FI Audit & Testing
Campus & Office WI-FI Solutions:
In todays world the desktop are replaced by laptop & telephones by mobiles everywhere offices or Campus . So, We tejmayservices are here to provides the Designs & implementation for setup in the Campus offices, which provide superior performance in diverse scenario of the network.
Services we Provide :-
Site Survey
Feasbility Report & Documentation
Network Design
WI-FI Audit & Testing :
In WI-FI Audit & Testing we perform the following activities for the better performance of network using different tools & provide a report of the networks with the solution to improve the network.
In Testing we use to cover various steps few of them are listed below:-
Create Signal strength maps of an area & Verify the security settings for local access points.
Measure network speed & throughput and view available data rates & Correctly locate your wireless antenna (especially important for directional antennas).
Verify the security settings for local access points & Measure network speed & throughput and view available data rates.
For further Details please contact us :- Email-id ( info@tejmayserviecs.com )
Our Services
Networking Products Tejal AAA server
About Us
Tejmayservices is a leading customized process-driven networking solutions provider based in India. Established in the year 2010, Tejmayservices providestechnological solutions to many enterprises and start up ventures.                                                  
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